Computing Curriculum: Intent
At Blakenall Heath Junior School our intent is to provide an ambitious Computing education that equips our pupils with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the digital world. We believe that Computing is fundamental to the holistic development of our pupils, enabling them to become creative and critical thinkers, problem solvers, and empowered digital citizens. Our Computing curriculum is designed to be ambitious, coherent, and progressive, ensuring that all pupils have equal opportunities to excel and reach their full potential. As a school, staff utilise technology to model positive use and are aware that the most effective way to prevent issues with technology and social media is through education. Currently at Blakenall Heath Junior School we follow the Purple Mash scheme of work in order to deliver the Computing curriculum and ensure comprehensive coverage of the National Curriculum.
Computing Curriculum: Implementation
1. Curriculum Design and Sequencing
Our Computing curriculum is designed and sequenced to provide a balanced and broad foundation of knowledge, concepts, and skills across three main areas: computer science, information technology, and digital literacy. The key to our teaching of Computing is experiencing the enjoyment of learning in the subject. The progression in our Computing Curriculum from Year 3 to Year 6 allows children to repeat skills, embedding them in their long-term memory. The enjoyment of the learning comes through well-planned lessons and high-quality resources tailored to the age and ability of the children. The content is the minimum expectation in place and is covered over the course of an academic year. Alongside this, the previous years’ skills and knowledge can be revisited to allow for retrieval opportunities.
Long Term Planning
Computing Progression Statements
Computer Science
We teach computer science to develop computational thinking and problem-solving skills. Our pupils learn key concepts such as algorithms, abstraction, and logic through activities that involve unplugged tasks and coding. We use a variety of resources, including online platforms and physical manipulatives, to engage and challenge our learners. We also provide opportunities for collaborative projects and encourage pupils to reflect on their computational processes.
Information Technology
Through the study of information technology, we aim to equip our pupils with the expertise to confidently and responsibly use, create, and manipulate digital content. They develop a range of skills, including using software applications, understanding networks and the internet, and employing data handling techniques. We ensure that our pupils not only acquire practical skills but also understand the implications of using technology in different contexts.
Digital Literacy
In addition to computer science and information technology, we place great emphasis on digital literacy to promote safe, responsible, and ethical use of technology. Our pupils learn about online safety, cybersecurity, and digital footprint management. They critically evaluate digital information, consider ethical issues surrounding technology, and develop effective communication skills using various digital tools.
2. Teaching and Learning Approaches
We adopt a range of teaching and learning approaches to provide outstanding Computing education:
Cross-Curricular Links
Computing is integrated within our wider curriculum, fostering connections with other subjects such as mathematics, science, and design and technology. This approach enables pupils to apply their Computing knowledge and skills in meaningful contexts, enhancing their understanding and transferability.
Practical and Hands-On Activities
Our lessons comprise a mixture of whole-class teaching, group work, and independent tasks. We provide regular opportunities for practical and hands-on activities to enhance engagement and deepen conceptual understanding. Our school offers access to a range of devices and resources, including laptops, tablets and coding tools.
Differentiation and Personalisation
We recognise the diverse needs and abilities of our pupils, and therefore, implement differentiation strategies to ensure that all learners make exceptional progress. Our teachers provide additional support for pupils with specific learning needs and extend opportunities for more able pupils to challenge themselves. Through personalised projects and tasks, our pupils are able to pursue their individual interests and talents, cultivating a love for Computing.
Real-World Connections and Industry Links
To enrich our pupils' learning experience, we establish connections with local businesses and industry experts. This enables our pupils to understand real-world applications of Computing, develop an appreciation for potential career paths, and gain valuable insights from professionals working in the field.
3. Assessment, Feedback, and Progression
We employ a comprehensive assessment system to effectively track our pupils' progress in Computing. This includes regular formative assessment through observations, discussions, and practical demonstrations.
To ensure progression, we carefully map out the intended learning outcomes for each year group, building upon prior knowledge and skills. This allows our pupils to undertake increasingly challenging tasks, ultimately preparing them for the next stage of their Computing education.
Computing Curriculum: Impact
The impact of our outstanding Computing education is evident in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes exhibited by our pupils. Through our intent and effective implementation, we aim to achieve the following impact.
1. Pupil Achievement and Attainment
Our pupils demonstrate exceptional knowledge and competence in computer science, information technology, and digital literacy. They possess a deep understanding of computational thinking and problem-solving skills that they can apply across various domains. Our Computing curriculum not only prepares our pupils for the next stage of their education but also instils a lifelong passion for Computing.
2. Progress and Engagement
Pupils make good progress in Computing, irrespective of their starting points. They are engaged, motivated, and actively participate in a wide range of challenging activities. Their confidence in using technology increases, and they approach Computing tasks with curiosity and perseverance.
3. Digital Citizenship and Online Safety
We equip our pupils with the skills and understanding to navigate the digital world responsibly. They demonstrate exemplary online behaviour, understand the importance of staying safe online, and make informed decisions about their digital presence. Our pupils are well-prepared to be responsible and respectful digital citizens.
4. Aspiration and Future Opportunities
By providing opportunities to explore real-world connections and industry links, we inspire our pupils to consider careers in Computing and related fields. They develop the confidence to pursue further studies in the subject, fostering a generation of adaptable and skilled individuals equipped for the challenges of the digital age.
Computing Subject Policy
If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please speak to your child's class teacher or call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader, Mrs S Harris.