
Art and Design

Art and Design Curriculum: Intent

At Blakenall Heath Junior School, the intent of the art and design curriculum is to provide a comprehensive and enriching education in the visual arts that allows every child to develop their creativity, critical thinking and cultural awareness. Our aim is to foster a love for art and design, to nurture students' self-expression and to celebrate diversity and individuality through various art forms and techniques.


Key aspirations of our art and design curriculum content include:
1. Encouraging pupils to explore, experiment and take artistic risks.
2. Developing pupils’ observational and analytical skills through art appreciation.
3. Promoting the understanding and exploration of different artistic styles, cultures and historical periods.
4. Providing opportunities for pupils to collaborate, reflect and learn from each other's artistic processes.
5. Inspiring pupils to pursue further study and careers within the creative industries.

Art and Design Curriculum: Implementation

To achieve our intent, we have developed an art and design curriculum that is broad, balanced and progressive. Our curriculum content caters to the needs and interests of all our pupils. The implementation of our art and design content involves the following key strategies:


1. Curriculum Design and Sequencing

Our art and design curriculum follows a carefully planned sequence of learning, ensuring pupils’ progression in knowledge and skills. It is structured in a way that builds upon prior knowledge, encourages creativity and offers pupils a range of artistic experiences. The curriculum covers key areas including painting, drawing, 3D and sculpture, printing and patterning, collage and digital media. This allows pupils to explore a variety of materials and techniques.

2. Skill Development and Cultural Enrichment

We prioritise the development of fundamental artistic skills, incorporating a range of techniques, materials and tools throughout the curriculum. Pupils are explicitly taught the basics of line, shape, form, colour, texture and pattern gradually progressing to more complex concepts and skills. Additionally, we emphasise the importance of art and design throughout different historical periods as well as the contributions of diverse artists from various cultures. This supports the children in their cultural understanding and appreciation.

Art and Design Progression Statements

Art and Design Vocabulary

3. Cross-Curricular Links and Collaborative Learning

We actively seek opportunities to link art and design with other curriculum subjects to promote cross-curricular learning. Through collaborative projects, pupils engage with subjects such as history, geography, science and English, enabling them to apply their artistic skills in meaningful contexts. This approach enhances pupils’ understanding of their knowledge and fosters their ability to problem-solve and think critically.


4. Quality Teaching and Learning

Our staff use a range of instructional strategies and resources to deliver high-quality art and design lessons. These include demonstrations, guided practice, peer assessments and artist workshops. Our staff regularly engage in professional development focused on enhancing their subject knowledge and pedagogical skills in art and design education. Staff also provide constructive feedback and encouragement to pupils, enabling them to consistently improve their artistic abilities.


5. Enrichment Activities and Cultural Experiences

We firmly believe that access to a broad range of cultural experiences is essential for all pupils. As part of our art and design curriculum content, we organise visits to local art galleries, museums and exhibitions, exposing pupils to a diverse range of artistic works and perspectives. We also invite local artists to deliver workshops and share their expertise with our pupils, fostering a sense of excitement and curiosity about art.

Art and Design Curriculum: Impact

The impact of our art and design curriculum is evident through the good progress made by our pupils across the following areas:


1. Attainment and Progress

Pupils demonstrate increasing confidence and competence in various artistic techniques and mediums. Their artwork showcases creative problem-solving, attention to detail and the ability to take risks in their artistic expression. Regular formative and summative assessments enable staff to identify individual achievements and provide targeted support where needed. Pupils also take part in pre and post learning quizzes at the beginning and end of each topic. This enables staff to assess their understanding as well informing future planning and delivery.


2. Cultural Awareness and Appreciation

Through exposure to diverse artworks and artists, our pupils develop a deeper appreciation for different cultures and historical periods. They are able to discuss and critique artworks using appropriate art and design vocabulary and contextual knowledge. Pupils’ awareness of the impact of art and design in society and its ability to express personal and collective identities is evident through their thoughtful reflections.


3. Engagement and Enjoyment

By providing a stimulating and inclusive art and design curriculum, we have observed increased levels of engagement and enthusiasm among our students. Regular opportunities for pupils to showcase their artwork in school and within the wider community promote a sense of pride and achievement.


4. Aspiration and Future Opportunities

Our art and design curriculum nurtures pupils' aspirations by showcasing the potential for future careers in the creative industries. Pupils have access to information about further study and career options in art and design which are discussed regularly with pupils during their lessons. Pupils are also provided with opportunities to participate in local art competitions and exhibitions, such as our Federation Art Gallery event.

Art and Design Subject Policy

If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please  speak to your child's class teacher or call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader, Mrs F Harris.
