

Welcome to Blakenall Heath Junior School.


Thank you for visiting our website!


At Blakenall Heath Junior School, all our dedicated and hard-working staff are committed to providing our children with the best teaching and learning opportunities possible.   It is our aim for all of our children to achieve high academic standards in all subjects.  It is also our firm belief that it is every child's right to receive excellent provision in other curriculum areas too, many of which we deliver through our enriched curriculum.  Music and PE is a particular strength of the school, and all of our children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument during their time here.  Our children also benefit from specialist sports provision both during curriculum time and in after school clubs.


Here at Blakenall Heath, our values are at the core of what we do and what we try to achieve for our children.  These directly link to our school vision which is how we achieve these values and ensure our children are confident, inclusive and happy members of society.


Our Values - 4 R's








Our three rules underpin these values:

We are safe

We are considerate

We aspire to achieve our very best


Our Aims


We aim to be a traditional values-based school which is recognised in the community for providing a caring and safe environment in which all children can thrive.

We aim to do this through:


  • Providing outstanding teaching and learning opportunities and maintaining high expectations for behaviour, progress and achievement of all pupils


  • Providing a stimulating curriculum and experiences that promotes independent learning and incorporates the latest technology for the modern world


  • Providing a safe, calm and happy environment where pupils have equal access to all aspects of school life and enjoy learning


  • Providing outstanding personal, social, health and moral education which firmly establishes the importance of manners, respect and tolerance


  • Providing excellent communication with parents and encouraging parent’s interest in their child’s education


Our School Vision


We value all our children as individuals and strongly believe in:


  • Commitment by all members of our school community to its caring ethos and developing its academic excellence


  • Opportunity within our supportive environment to fulfil children’s potential as lifelong learners and contributors to society


  • Respect for all and building excellent relationships with parents and the wider community


  • Aspiration, personal achievement and high standards in all areas of school life


Here at Blakenall Heath, our wonderful children know they are expected to work hard, dress smartly in our uniform, behave well and try their hardest to be in school every day.  We encourage children to be able to work with others in a team as well as independently and make the most of their time in school.  In return we try to do our best to meet the needs of all our children, and ensure they can become the best they can be.


We have different incentive schemes which reward children for their efforts, behaviour and attendance.  Our children also take pride in belonging to a House and enjoy taking part in House activity days and raising money for their chosen charities.

To find out more about us please have a look around the website.  If you would like to come and find out more about us, why not come along for a visit.  Contact the school office to arrange this either by email or telephone.



