
Letters home

New Classes for September 2024

Music concerts and sports day

Appointment of new Head Teacher

National Crime Agency update May 2024

Book Fair 2024

Staff changes to 4O and 5S

Maths Booster Sessions for Years 5 & 6

Staff changes to 4O & 5S

Parents' Evening

Year 5 Changes January 2024

Christmas Activities

Year 3 Road Safety Training

Year 3 Church Visit

Christmas Music Concerts

Christmas decorations letter

Lighthouse Federation Quiz

MTC Cup Competition Letter "Learning with Emile"

County Lines Year 6 Letter 25th September 2023

Secondary Admissions for September 2024 - All secondary admissions for 2024 must be submitted to Walsall Council no later than 31st October 2023.

Supplementary application forms


Some schools need you to complete their own forms as well as the online application. You can get copies of the forms direct from each school, or download and print them yourself from Walsall Council Secondary Admissions. When you've completed them, send them direct to the relevant school.



The following school websites have further information about their September 2024 intake, and supplementary forms:


