
Modern Foreign Languages (French)

Modern Foreign Language (French) Curriculum: Intent


Our intent in delivering our modern foreign language (French) curriculum is to foster a deep-rooted appreciation for other cultures, develop linguistic competence and promote intercultural understanding amongst our pupils. Our aim is for children to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to communicate confidently and effectively in a foreign language (French), whilst also gaining a broader global perspective.


We believe that by providing a high-quality modern foreign language (French) curriculum, we can equip our pupils with the tools they need to engage in meaningful conversations, explore different traditions and contribute positively to multicultural societies in an increasingly interconnected world.


Modern Foreign Language (French) Curriculum: Implementation

1. Curriculum Design

Our modern foreign language (French) curriculum is carefully designed to ensure both progression and coherence across all year groups. It is aligned with the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum objectives.

2. The teaching of language

To deliver the modern foreign language (French) curriculum effectively, our teachers have been trained in order to have a deep understanding of the target language (French) and relevant pedagogical approaches. Our teachers plan and deliver engaging and stimulating lessons.


3. Authentic Language Use

We place great emphasis on providing pupils with authentic language use opportunities. Through the use of native speakers, real-life materials and cultural experiences, we aim to expose our pupils to the target language (French) in meaningful contexts. This approach helps develop pupils' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills whilst nurturing an appreciation for the wider culture of the language being taught.


4. Cross-Curricular Links

We actively seek opportunities to integrate modern foreign language (French) learning into other areas of the curriculum. By making connections with subjects such as geography, history and art and design we reinforce pupils' understanding of the wider world and enhance their cultural awareness.


5. Technology-Enhanced Learning

We recognise the role technology plays in supporting language learning. Our school incorporates appropriate technological tools and resources to enrich the modern foreign language (French) experience. From interactive language apps to online language platforms, we foster independent learning and provide additional opportunities for practice.


Modern Foreign Language (French) Curriculum: Impact


1. Pupil Engagement and Progress

Through regular formative and summative assessments, we monitor the progress and attainment of pupils in modern foreign language (French) learning. We celebrate achievements and provide targeted support where necessary. Pupil engagement is high, as evidenced by the enthusiasm displayed during lessons and the active participation in language-related activities.


2. Fluency and Language Competence

Our focus on authentic language use, combined with explicit teaching of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, enables pupils to develop fluency in our target language (French). Pupils acquire a broad range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, enabling them to express themselves confidently and accurately. Regular speaking and listening activities help develop pupils' oral skills, while reading and writing tasks consolidate their comprehension and written expression abilities.


3. Cultural Awareness and Intercultural Understanding

Through exploring different cultures, traditions and celebrations, our modern foreign language (French) curriculum deepens pupils' understanding of other countries and promotes intercultural awareness. Pupils gain insights into the similarities and differences between cultures, fostering respect, empathy and tolerance.


4. Language Skills Transfer

The study of a modern foreign language also strengthens pupils' metacognitive abilities and transferable skills. It enhances their listening and memorisation skills, improves their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities and develops both written and oral communication skills. These skills are transferable to other areas of the curriculum and support pupils' learning across different subjects.


5. Readiness for Further Language Learning

With a strong foundation in modern foreign language education, pupils are better prepared for future language learning. They are more likely to have a positive attitude towards learning additional languages, develop greater resilience and exhibit an open-minded approach to cultural diversity.

By nurturing a passion for foreign languages, fostering linguistic competence and promoting intercultural understanding, our modern foreign language (French) provision at Blakenall Heath Junior School has a substantial impact on our pupils' personal, social and educational development.


If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please  speak to your child's class teacher or call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader, Mrs F Harris.
