

Science Curriculum: Intent


At Blakenall Heath Junior School, the intent of the science curriculum is to foster a deep understanding and appreciation of the scientific world, encouraging children to develop a natural curiosity about the world around them. By providing a well-structured and progressive curriculum, we aim to inspire children to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the scientific field and beyond.


Science Curriculum: Implementation


High-Quality Curriculum Design and Sequencing

The science curriculum is designed to build upon prior knowledge and skills, providing a clear progression of concepts and enquiry skills. It is aligned with the National Curriculum, ensuring coverage of all key scientific areas, including biology, chemistry, physics, and scientific investigations. The curriculum is diverse, offering meaningful experiences that reflect the local context, cultures, and backgrounds of the pupils.

Engaging and Challenging Lessons

Lessons in an outstanding primary school are engaging, capturing pupils' interest and promoting active participation. Teachers use a range of teaching methods and resources to facilitate hands-on experiments, practical activities, and scientific demonstrations. They employ open-ended questioning techniques to promote critical thinking and encourage pupils to pose their own scientific questions.


Language Development and Vocabulary Acquisition

A key focus in science lessons is to develop pupils' scientific vocabulary and literacy skills. Teachers explicitly teach subject-specific terminology and provide opportunities for pupils to use scientific language when communicating their ideas, predictions, and findings. This emphasis on language development supports pupils in articulating and understanding scientific concepts accurately.


Practical and Enquiry-Based Learning

In an outstanding primary school, enquiry-based learning is at the heart of the science curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to engage in practical investigations, asking scientific questions, making predictions, and recording and interpreting data. They are provided with opportunities to plan and carry out fair and reliable tests, analysing their findings and drawing evidence-based conclusions. Teachers facilitate these investigations, establishing a safe and stimulating environment for scientific exploration.

Cross-Curricular Integration

The science curriculum is integrated with other subjects, enhancing pupils' knowledge and understanding across various disciplines. Connections are made between science and mathematics, technology, engineering, and design, fostering a holistic approach to learning. This cross-curricular integration enables pupils to apply scientific concepts and skills to real-life scenarios, developing their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills across different contexts.


Inclusion and Differentiation

At Blakenall Heath Junior School we ensure that the science curriculum caters to the needs of all pupils, regardless of their individual abilities or learning styles. Differentiated activities and resources are provided to ensure that all pupils are appropriately challenged and supported. Teachers use a range of formative assessment strategies to identify pupils who require additional assistance, adapting their teaching to meet the diverse needs of the class.


Effective use of ICT and Technology

ICT and technology are effectively utilised in the science curriculum to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Teachers incorporate multimedia resources, interactive simulations, and educational apps to bring abstract scientific concepts to life. Pupils are provided with opportunities to collect and analyse data using digital tools, enabling them to develop digital literacy skills alongside their scientific knowledge.

Science Curriculum: Impact


The impact of the science curriculum is evident in pupils' enthusiasm for the subject, their deepening understanding of scientific concepts, and their ability to apply scientific skills and knowledge effectively. Pupils are confident in their scientific capabilities, demonstrating curiosity, resilience, and independence in their scientific investigations. They communicate their ideas and findings coherently, using appropriate scientific vocabulary and techniques. Pupil outcomes in science are consistently high, reflecting the effective teaching and learning strategies employed. The science curriculum contributes to pupils' overall personal development and prepares them for future scientific study and careers, instilling in them a lifelong passion for learning in the scientific field.

If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please  speak to your child's class teacher or call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader, Mrs Owen. 
