


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements via the Walsall Council Website. The link is below...


If you would like to visit the school prior to applying for a place, please contact the school office to arrange a look around with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


The school operates a maximum intake of 30 pupils in each class in Key Stage 2. There are 2 class at Blakenall Heath Junior school so there will be 60 children per year group. 


Entry into Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

All admission arrangements are dealt with by Walsall Council Children’s Services Admissions Team who adopt Walsall’s admission criteria.


Pupils who attend our paired Infant School, Sunshine Infant and Nursery, do not gain automatic entry into Year 3, you will need to apply for a Year 3 place.  However, the vast majority of Sunshine Infant children do move into our Year 3 classes.


The admission authority for Walsall community and voluntary controlled schools is Walsall Council. Admissions are administered by the School Admissions and Appeals Team. Where the number of preferences received exceeds the number of places available, Walsall Council’s admission criteria are applied to all community and voluntary controlled schools. The admission criteria are shown below, in order of priority, for these schools.


Criterion 1. Children in Public Care (Children In Care) and previously Looked After Child.

Criterion 2. Pupils who have a sibling already in attendance at the school or paired junior school, when the application is made and who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission date.

Criterion 3. Relevant medical or social grounds which show that attendance at the school is essential, and which are supported in writing by a medical practitioner or appropriate professional.

Criterion 4. Distance will be measured in a straight line from the centre point of the home address to the centre point of the school address using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.


If the school is ‘oversubscribed’ then Walsall Council Children’s Services ‘oversubscription criteria’ rules will apply. 


What if my child is SEN?

The admission arrangements for the school treat all children exactly the same. They are administered in accordance with the guidance set out in the School’s Admission Arrangements published by the Authority. A copy of the Admission Arrangements is available from Education Walsall.


Further Information

You can find more information by contacting a Parent Support Adviser on 01922 652578 or email: or clicking the link below:


Mid-Year Admissions

Parents of children moving into the area are welcome to make an application for a place at Blakenall Heath Junior School by completing the Mid-Year Admissions form on the Walsall Council Website.


You can apply for the academic year 2024/25 between 2 September 2024 and 29 June 2025, from 8am to 9.30pm.



Appeals for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6

If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to the Local Authority (LA). An independent panel considers all such appeals, and its decision is binding for all parties concerned. If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a child to whom we had refused a place, then we will accept this decision and continue to do all we can to provide the best education for all the children at our school. (Further details of appeal arrangements are set out in the revised Code of Practice on School Admissions Appeals, which comes into force in September 2004.)


For more information on how to appeal please visit the Walsall DFE admissions website: 


Appeals timetable

Appeals for September 2025 primary school admissions must be received by 2 June 2025. These appeals will then be heard between 19 May and 21 July 2025.


Appeals received after 2 June 2024, and mid-year admissions appeals, should be heard within 30 school days of submission.

