
Home Reading Books and Reading Logs



15th September 2020 


Dear Parents and Carers


Re: Home Reading Books and Reading Logs

Due to current circumstances some changes have been made to home reading.

All children have been given an Oxford Reading Tree (Stage) book that is at a suitable level for their reading ability, and a reading record log. To allow books to be sanitised between use, children will only be able to change their books once per week.

Every Friday, children who need to change their reading books, will need to place their book into the class ‘quarantine’ box. These books will then be sanitised and left over the weekend before being used by other children. Every Monday, each class has been allocated time to select a new book if needed.

As part of children’s homework, we would still like children to read for ten minutes each night and for parents to sign their reading record. If children are waiting for books to be changed over the weekend, please encourage your child to read other materials at home e.g. books, magazines, comics, newspapers etc.

We would also be grateful if you could return any reading books, stage or library books, that went home before lockdown.

If you have any queries about home reading please contact Mrs Weston at school. Thank you again for your continued support.

Yours sincerely


Mrs C Weston

Literacy Lead


Ms K Baker

Head Teacher
