Mobile Phones
Dear Parents and Carers
Re: Mobile Phones
It has come to my attention that an increasing number of children are bringing mobile phones in to school.
The school’s policy on mobile phones was approved by Governors in 2018 and is as follows:
- Pupils are not permitted to have mobile phones at school or on trips
- If in the rare event of a parent wishing for his/her child to bring a mobile phone to school the parent must discuss the issue with the Head Teacher and, if agreed, the phone must be handed in to the school office. (At the owner’s risk)
- Mobile phones brought to school without permission will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day to parents. In this instance the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher will be informed and further action may be taken.
- Where mobile phones are used in or out of school to bully or intimidate others, then the Head Teacher does have the power to intervene ‘to such an extent as it is reasonable to regulate the behaviour of pupils when they are off the school site’.
In addition, we have had several incidents where children have recorded images and uploaded them to social media sites such as Tik Tok. This site is known to police as a means for exploiting and grooming children and previous warnings about it have been issued.
There are also an increasing number of incidents where unpleasant messages have been sent outside of school hours. These messages are then causing issues during school time.
Could I please ask parents to talk to their children about any concerns they have and ensure appropriate action is taken including blocking numbers and increasing privacy settings.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Yours sincerely
K J Baker
Head Teacher