
School gate times

1st March 2022


Dear Parents and Carers


Re: Getting back to normal!


Following the lifting of more COVID restrictions we are starting to get back to our normal day-to-day routines and provision – including assemblies and visiting our school library. During the pandemic, we extended the gate opening times to allow for a flow of pupils and parents and prevent pinch points and contact between bubbles. As this has all now been fully lifted, we will be returning to our normal gate times from Monday 7th March. There is no change to the end of school day times.


The gate times will be as follows:


8.00am - Pedestrian gate opens for Breakfast Club

8.35am - Playground gates and doors open

8.45am - School starts

8.50am - Playground gates close – late pupils will then need to go through the pedestrian gate and through reception to register and order lunches.


2.55pm – Playground gates open

3.00pm – School finishes


Thank you for your co-operation in this matter and your continued support.


Yours sincerely,



Ms K J Baker

Head Teacher
