School re-opening September
1st July 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Re: Re-opening school
As you are aware, the Prime Minister allowed schools to invite back their Year 6 pupils on the 1st June alongside Keyworker and Vulnerable pupils. We have had to abide by strict new COVID-19 regulations and adhere to an approved Risk Assessment to ensure that the children, parents and staff are as safe as possible from the risk of infection from Coronavirus.
This has led to the formation of small groups (or bubbles as they are commonly called) within the school and in line with the guidelines and restrictions. Mr Johnson was also keen for schools to consider admitting more pupils if capacity allowed. This was certainly something the school was looking in to, for the last few weeks of the term.
However, the LA are effecting repairs to our roof and this has led to the discovery of damage to the corridor ceilings. This has now rendered most of our classrooms unusable as the whole corridor has to have a new ceiling and this will take 3-4 weeks to complete. We have also had some flood damage from the recent heavy rain and may need new carpets through the corridor too!
Therefore, unfortunately, we are able to sustain our Year 6 and Vulnerable/Keyworker groups but are not able to accommodate any more children.
Whilst we await further directive for opening the school in September, I know that many parents and carers will have concerns and questions about this. I will endeavour to get information to you, as soon as we have received details from the Government and I hope I will be able to tell you what the arrangements will be. We are anticipating having all children back in September but are expecting many more regulations to avoid any COVID infections.
I have asked teachers to complete a report statement for each child which will be posted to you before the end of term and where possible we will send you information about your child’s new teacher and teaching assistant alongside any further ‘opening’ information.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for all their support over these challenging months and I hope we can get back to normal very soon. We are all missing the children and it is really, not the same without them! Teachers will continue to post new work on-line each Monday and check your child’s work and progress on the learning platforms. They have enjoyed being able to keep in touch with how they are doing – and even play some live Maths games!
Take care and keep safe - we will be in touch soon.
Yours sincerely,
K J Baker
Head Teacher