
School Reopening Monday 8th March 2021

24th February 2021


Dear Parents and Carers


Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on the 22nd February I am writing to confirm that we will welcome all pupils back to school on Monday 8th March.


As in September, we will be adhering to stringent COVID-19 safety measures as set out in the Government’s Operational Guidance published on Monday.


There will still be a staggered start and finish time in order to control the flow of pupils and ensure social distancing between ‘bubbles’.


Years 3 and 4 will have a start time slot of 8.40 to 8.50am – they will leave school at 2.50pm.

School gates will open at 8.35 for Year 3 and 4.


Years 5 and 6 will have a start time slot of 8.50am to 9.00am – they will leave school at 3.00pm

Parents with siblings in the 2 phases can drop off at 8.50am.


Both the large car park pedestrian gate and the side (Slang) gate will be open. Please ensure you observe social distancing on the car park and on the playground and please do not leave children unattended.

As last term, could I please ask that all adults wear face coverings whilst on the playground. Bikes and scooters will not be permitted in school until further notice.


The Government guidance for the re-opening of school has made it clear that attendance will be mandatory from the 8th March 2021. This means that the usual rules on school attendance will apply and school will resume taking attendance registers and following up absences. 


If your child is unwell with any illness or with usual Covid symptoms please contact us and do not attend until it has been discussed with the office staff as to whether they require a COVID test.


Children will be required to wear full uniform – including a tie, except on their PE day.

On this day, they will need to attend school wearing their PE kit. They will need a plain, dark coloured tracksuit or joggers, a plain white or house colour T-shirt and trainers. Fashion tracksuits, crop tops and football kits will not be permitted. PE day remains the same as last term:

Year 3 - Wednesday

Year 4 - Thursday

Year 5 - Friday

Year 6 – Tuesday


As in the Autumn Term there will still be ‘bubbles’ within school and staggered lunchtimes. We are hoping to open the canteen fully after Easter but a hot meal option will still be available to all pupils each day.


Social distancing between pupils within the class bubble is not required but between staff and pupils it remains at 2 metres. Staff are allowed within 1metre for a short period of time if needed. Staff are permitted to move between classrooms with social distancing remaining in place.


Children will continue to sanitise their hands on entry to the school, before and after breaks, at lunch and before they leave school at home time. All sanitiser is provided by school – please do not send in bottles of gel with your child. Your child will also be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds after using the toilet.


All equipment for lessons will be provided – each pupil will have their own desk tray. They will not be able to share equipment with each other or staff.


Please ensure they have the following on their return:

Full uniform including a tie.

Lunch bag or box (if bringing own lunch).

Water bottle.

PE kit – PE will take place outside only so a tracksuit or joggers and trainers will still be needed.

Coats, hats and gloves as appropriate for the weather.

Reading books and logs (please return any reading books still at home!)


Please ensure the following are not brought in to school:


Toys, games or any non-educational items

Mobile phones


The updated Behaviour Policy, which includes additional rules relating to COVID-19 and the consequences for deliberately breaking these rules, is still in effect and can be viewed on the school’s website. The updated Risk Assessment for the full reopening of school will also be published on the website next week.


If we need to update you with important information during the term, we will inform you by text that new information is available on the website. We will also use the School App and Facebook. As in the Autumn Term we will be limiting visitors to the school site and request that parents do not attend the school office unless an appointment has been made.  Please contact us if you have any further concerns or queries about the opening of school to all pupils on the 8th March by telephone, email or Facebook Messenger.


As always, thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing all the children back soon.


Yours sincerely,

K J Baker

Head Teacher
