
September Re-opening Information

13th July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Important information about re-opening school in September

We are now looking forward to having all the children returning to school in September in line with Government guidance. (GOV.UK Guidance for full opening – Schools July 2nd 2020)


There will still be strict guidelines we have to follow in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and a possible outbreak in school. These guidelines are extremely important and must be followed in order to keep all pupils’, staff and parents safe. Please read the following carefully in preparation for their return.


All pupils will return to school on Wednesday 2nd September 2020


There will be a staggered start and finish time in order to control the flow of pupils and maintain social distancing.


Years 3 and 4 will have a start time of 8.40am – they will leave school at 2.50pm.

Years 5 and 6 will have a start time of 8.50am – they will leave school at 3.00pm.


Please do not attend any earlier than these times and please do not leave children unattended on the playground.


There will be no Breakfast Club or After School clubs available until after October Half Term at the earliest.


Both the main vehicle/pedestrian gate and the side (Slang) gate will be open. Please ensure you observe social distancing both on the car park and playground.


Children will sanitise their hands on entry to the school, before and after breaks, at lunch and before they leave school at home time. All sanitiser is provided by school – please do not send in bottles of gel with your child. Your child will also be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds after using the toilet.


All equipment for lessons will be provided – each pupil will have their own desk tray. They will not be able to share equipment with each other or staff.


Please ensure they have the following on their return:

Full uniform including a tie.

Lunch bag or box and water bottle.

PE kit – PE will take place outside only so a tracksuit or joggers and trainers will be needed.

Coats, hats and gloves as appropriate for the weather.

Reading books and logs (please return any reading books still at home!)


Please ensure the following are not brought in to school:


Toys, games or any non-educational items

Mobile phones


Your child will be in their class ‘bubbles’ for indoor education and year ‘bubbles’ for outdoor play. Playtimes and lunchtimes will also be staggered during the day.


There will be no hot food available until October Half Term at the earliest. Pupils eligible for Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch. A small choice of sandwich fillings will be available.  Children will eat their lunch in their classrooms and then have some play time outside in their year ‘bubble’ - weather permitting.


Social distancing between pupils within the class bubble is not required but between staff and pupils, it remains at 2 metres. Staff are allowed within 1metre for a short period of time if needed. Staff are permitted to move between classrooms with social distancing in place.


Social distancing between year groups outside will remain at 1 metre.


PPE (masks, gloves, aprons or visors) will only be worn by staff in school if attending to first aid or personal care.


We will be providing a full broad and balanced curriculum and support for the children including work around the Corona pandemic and the changes it has brought to their lives. Place2Be will continue to support children with Place2Talk and workshops delivered for each class by Shaz.


We hope to resume trips and visits after Christmas but unfortunately, the 5-day residential for Year 6 has been postponed.


We will be updating the Behaviour Policy to include additional rules relating to COVID-19 and the consequences for deliberately breaking these rules. The children will be taught the new expectations and the reasons for them. The new policy will be published on the Website in September.


Further guidance around children displaying COVID-19 symptoms in or out of school will be given before school starts in September and how this will link to attendance.


As I am sure you can imagine we are hoping to create a safe environment at school for all our pupils, staff and parents and endeavour to support all our pupils on their return. If you have any further questions please contact us through by Facebook Messenger or email at  


Visits to school are by appointment only until further notice.


Thank you again for all your support over the last four difficult months and I look forward to seeing you all in September.


Yours sincerely,

K J Baker

Head Teacher
